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Cosmos Walking

From Ancient Oaks To Walking Yews Tony Hall | Guardian | 30th April 2022 Survey of Britain's rarest trees, written by someone rejoicing in the esoteric title of "head of temperate arboretum
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Future Tree

The Legend Of The Music Tree Ellen Ruppel Shell | Smithsonian | 1st April 2022 Luthiers have long been obsessed with the wood of a single mahogany tree, felled in a remote rainforest in Belize, left to
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Bizarre Sentence

Bizarre Talmudic Scenarios Jeremy Brown | Talmudology | 29th April 2022 On the value of hypothetical and highly improbable cases for clarifying Talmudic (and American) law. A cart may not be pulled by
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Insomniac Fantasia

Barneys Fantasia Adrienne Raphel | Paris Review | 27th April 2022 Anatomy of a departed department store. Barneys was a Manhattan institution that endured for almost a century before its demise in 2019
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Historic Friction

Defending History Maurice Earls | Dublin Review Of Books | 20th April 2022 It is worth studying the cultural and political landscape of Ireland post 19C famine precisely because it is now part of the
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Lost Polyester

How Polyester Bounced Back Virginia Postrel | Works In Progress | 21st April 2022 On the rise, fall and rise again of polyester. In the 1960s, it was a wonder-fabric that "freed women from their
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Handy Talk

When We Talk About Holes Evelyn Lamb | Scientific American | 25th December 2014 Yes of course one knows what a hole is ... Or so you might think until you read this attempt to arrive at a satisfactory
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Over Heart

The Unfathomable Heart Stephanie Krzywonos | Dark Mountain | 19th April 2022 Notes on a short walk in Antarctica, visiting "Nukey Poo", a leaky nuclear reactor abandoned by the US Navy in
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Exile Underground

Ship Them Into Exile Joan DeJean | CrimeReads | 19th April 2022 Extract from a book about how early 18C "money madness" in France resulted in the first transports of enslaved African people
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Secret Devotion

The Secret Code Of Beauty Spots Cecile Paul | Messy Nessy | 15th April 2022 Brief history of the artificial beauty spot or mouche, the tiny decorative fabric patches that were all the rage in 18C
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Never Scream

Tragedy Has Never Left Us Florent Guénard | Books & Ideas | 18th April 2022 Interview with historian Bruno Cabanes about what lies behind the way media outlets have portrayed the war in Ukraine as
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Cross Paper

Interview Of The Week: Adrienne Raphel On Crosswords Uri Bram talks crosswords and poetry with Adrienne Raphel, author of Thinking Inside the Box , a cultural and personal history of crosswords [https:
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Circus Dictionary

Circus And Philosophy Meg Wallace | Aesthetics For Birds | 2nd December 2021 Account of an unusual university course, in which the professor uses circus skills like juggling to illuminate the study of
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Unfollow War

The Last Great War Richard Overy | Literary Hub | 8th April 2022 Historian argues for a more expansive view of the causes and effects of the Second World War, giving more weight to events in Asia.
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Desert Daddy

Planning For Desert Storm William Sayers | Mystics & Statistics | 6th April 2022 Retired Pentagon analyst recounts how much work went into war-gaming and computer-modelling the US invasion of Iraq
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Sublime Forgiveness

Forgiving Someone Who Isn't Sorry Rachel Wilkerson Miller | Vox | 25th March 2022 Advice from experts in reconciliation on how to move past a conflict when the other party isn't willing or able
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Magical Reality

Human Kind Cannot Bear Very Much Reality Amit Chaudhuri | n+1 | 28th March 2022 Reflections on TS Eliot's 1936 poem "Burnt Norton" and its interactions with the Bhagavad Gita, a Sanskrit
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Realist Mushrooms

Thucydides Was A Realist Patrick Porter | Engelsberg Ideas | 1st April 2022 Modern scholarship has "nuanced" the work of Athenian historian Thucydides to death. Attention to detail has
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Bankrupt Houses

The West Will Decide On Putin's Bankruptcy Peter Littger | Der Spiegel | 31st March 2022 Interview with ex-Goldman Sachs economist Jim O'Neill, who coined the acronym BRICs to designate Brazil,
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Chinese Archaeology

Conspiracy-Proof Archaeology Telescopic Turnip | Malmesbury | 28th February 2022 Historiography is an arms race between ways to establish facts and ways to falsify them. Popular memory has never been